Friday, July 1, 2016


The first people Jesus chooses to follow him are four fisherman: Peter, Andrew, James and John sons of Zebedee. Why fisherman rather than scholars of Scripture, people of stature and position, people qualified to better fulfill his ministry. Maybe Paul gives us a clue when he writes the Corinthinians and says, "But God chose the foolish things of this world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things to shame the strong. God chose the lowly and the despised things--and the things that are not--to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before Him." Jesus called to Peter and Andrew and said "Follow me!" Then turned to James and John and again said, "Follow me!" Has He called to you, "Follow me"? How did you answer? Were you like me and said, "I want to Lord but I'm not qualified." Or, how about one of these reasons: I don't have the education, the degree, the experience, the whatever to complete the task You ask of me. Let me get the qualifications and then I'll follow You.
Maybe if we look at some of the characteristics of fishermen we may better understand why Jesus chose four to help in his ministry. Fishermen are patient. These fishermen spent hours throwing out their nets to catch fish. Even when their nets came up empty, they continued to cast them out again and again. They had a goal and they were steadfast until their goal was attained.
These fishermen were willing to alter there plans. They were not insistent on having their own way. After casting out their nets all night and catching no fish, Jesus asks Simon to take his boat and "put out a little from the shore" so He can speak to the masses that were following Him. Simon did so and in the process learned this was no ordinary man. This man was "special". After speaking to the crowd this man tells Simon (called Peter) to "Put out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch." To which Simon says, "Because you say so" and from that point on Simon was never the same. When Jesus said "Follow me!" Simon dropped everything. After witnessing these things Andrew, James and John dropped everything to follow this man. They were willing to change their plans and in doing so, there lives were never the same.
The characteristic I most admire is their excited anticipation and quiet confidence in the knowledge that "next time" they would achieve the goal they so greatly desired. As these fishermen walked with Jesus they acquired the knowledge, the experience, the tools they needed to accomplish the tasks Jesus put before them.
In observing these four fisherman, one can observe a few of the traits necessary in accomplishing the mission of "fishing for men". It becomes apparent Jesus is more interested in the person than wealth, power, education, criminal record, your past, or your present circumstances. Why? Because He knows when you drop everything and respond to His "Follow me" your life will be transformed from that day forward. You see, Jesus is in the transforming business. As Paul says to the Philippians, "...I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."
Jesus is calling, "Follow me", will you drop everything and do what He asks? Whatever He is asking you to do He will give you the necessary tools to complete the task. I know firsthand. He has taken this lowly sinner with no degree in journalism or theology to spread the word that His love, His salvation, His grace, and His transformation are available to anyone.

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