Tuesday, August 8, 2017


This is my first post since April. Probably the longest I''ve ever gone without writing since God called me to this ministry in 2003. Over these last few months, God and I have been addressing my feelings of inadequacy I've had since He called me to this ministry. Am I the only one who feels hugely incapable and highly inadequate when being called to do something in His service? I don't think that is the case. Although the insights have been acquired through reading of Scripture and Bible Study, it can best be told through the making of this quilt.
The first time I started to make this quilt, I was very confident in my own abilities and cockily went about sewing it my way. By the second row, it was so out of square I had to throw it away. The second time I started it, I asked God to be with me and guide my hands every time before working on it. It stayed perfectly square from the first block to the last block, from the first row to the last. In order to complete any task assigned to me by God, He must guide me from the first word to the last, from the first sentence to the last sentence.
During the last fourteen years of writing this blog and another blog, facilitating Bible Studies, and speaking I've experienced feelings of being inadequate and being ill-prepared. After all, the only biblical knowledge I had was what I attained through Scripture or Bible Studies; the only writing experience was what I'd done on term papers and essays in school; and, the only photography experience was the pictures I took on trips or holidays. But then,, God showed me that Peter and John were fishermen and Matthew was a tax collector. All of the disciples were taught by Jesus just like me. To keep a quilt square, you must start in the center and work out. No matter what our calling is we must keep our eyes on the One who centers us to be effective, Jesus.
We are told in John 10 that the sheep knows the shepherd's voice and will not react to any other voice. An important part of doing this work is hearing my Shepherd's voice. Over the years, several people have either stated or questioned my ability to hear God's voice. This ministry cannot be undertaken without the ability to hear God's voice. No task or ministry can be effective without hearing our Master's voice.Too many times the Enemy has brought me to a standstill because of this one fear, maybe I'm not hearing God's voice. After all, who am I that the God of the universe would talk to me? Whether He speaks to you through Scripture or music or Bible Studies or thoughts or sermons or a small still voice, don't ever doubt that He can speak directly to you. Just as He guided my hand, He guides my ministry and yours. If you can call God, Father, and Jesus, Savior you know your Shepherd's voice.
Finally, while making this quilt it was necessary to seek the advice of others. In completing any task we are called to do for Him, we should not be hesitant to ask others for advice or assistance. No where in the Bible does it say "God helps those who help themselves." Jesus chose twelve people to spread the gospel, not one.

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